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Adrift de Tami Oldham Ashcraft

Descripción - Críticas ‘I find myself moved to awe-inspired tears over and over again by Tami’s story. Quite simply, she is a living example of how the power of love and the sheer will of belief can move any mountain. It’s an inspirational and empowering read’ Shailene Woodley'A thrilling read' Daily Telegraph'Her story is as gripping an adventure as you could possibly read' Daily Mail'Incredible … This gripping story of survival against the odds is an inspiring account of the will to live' Daily Express‘Call this book life-affirming, a saga of human survival, a tale of loss and victory, proof of the resilience of the human spirit?it’s any of those and all of them … it grabs your heart and tweaks your spirit’ BookPage‘Ashcraft emerges as a fiercely independent, strong sailor… the story certainly has enough adrenaline-pumping action to satisfy nautical adventure junkies’ Publishers Weekly‘Amazing but true story of tragedy and survival at sea’ Ladies’ Home Journal‘Heart-warming and heart-wrenching’ Los Angeles Daily News Reseña del editor THE HEART-STOPPING MEMOIR, NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING SHAILENE WOODLEY AND SAM CLAFLIN, AND DIRECTED BY BALTASAR KORMAKUR (EVEREST)A compelling, at times devastating, ultimately inspiring account of how much can go wrong on the ocean and how, miraculously, one woman conquered her own fears. ‘An inspirational and empowering read’ Shailene WoodleyYoung and in love, their lives ahead of them, Tami Oldham and her fiancé Richard Sharp set sail from Tahiti under brilliant blue skies, with Tami’s hometown of San Diego as their ultimate destination. But the two free spirits and avid sailors couldn’t anticipate that less than two weeks into their voyage, they would sail directly into one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history. They found themselves battling pounding rain, waves the size of skyscrapers, and 140 knot winds. Richard tethered himself to the boat and sent Tami below to safety, and then all went eerily quiet. Hours later, Tami awakened to find the boat in ruins, and Richard nowhere in sight.Adrift is the story of Tami’s miraculous forty-one-day journey to safety on a ravaged boat with no motor and no masts, and with little hope for rescue. It’s a tale of love and survival on the high seas– an unforgettable story about resilience of the human spirit, and the transcendent power of love.Previously published as Red Sky in Mourning Biografía del autor Tami Oldham Ashcraft speaks frequently about her experiences and continues to be an avid sailor. She is a hundred-ton licensed captain who has logged more than 50,000 offshore miles, and lives with her husband and family in Friday Harbor, Washington.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Adrift
  • Autor: Tami Oldham Ashcraft
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Transporte y automóviles
  • Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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